This project is work in progress! And as I do this in my spare time besides other interests it will develop steadily but slowly.

Welcome to Impresario

Impresario is the acronym for “Image Processing Engineering System Applying Reusable Interactive Objects” (guess what was first). It is designed for rapid prototyping of image processing solutions and testing of image processing algorithms within these solutions. Therefore all kind of algorithms Impresario can make use of, are coded in separate libraries.

Impresario main window screenshot

Impresario (Click to enlarge)

Everybody with interest in image processing is welcome to develop and hopefully share her own library. A simple C++ API allows to focus on the implementation of the algorithms and hides all the necessary interactions and data exchange between Impresario and the library from the developers. Read more in the introduction.


Impresario is open source software and licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). You may look up the license text on the web at or read it as locally stored plain text.

However, the GPLv3 does not apply to the libraries containing the image processing algorithms, etc. These libraries may be licensed under any license the library developers choose, even closed source ones.

Further reading

There are two guides available: The User’s Guide gives a detailed introduction to Impresario and provides information about installation and usage. The Developer’s Guide contains the API documentation and examples for writing your own libraries. It also explains Impresario’s architecture.